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We are Tellus

fre 31 mars


Klustret Ekskäret

A community building evening

We are Tellus
We are Tellus

Tid & plats

31 mars 2023 19:00 – 20:30

Klustret Ekskäret, Odengatan 81, 113 22 Stockholm, Sweden

Om eventet

We are an English speaking Playback Theater group based in Stockholm, two of us are members at Klustret. On our last rehearsal we came up with the idea to gift the Kluster community with a performance, around our "urban bonfire". Here you can share the struggles and the victories, your visions and longings, what in your past shaped you to be a part of Klustret today.  


Come and have your stories heard and enacted by us, also see what’s possible artistically when a Playback group practices and builds amazing ensemble, empathy and interpretative skills.  

Hope to see you Friday March 31st.   

Ibrahim Bertling Kara, Kamala Lundin, Naima Clevenhag, Onur Mukannasgil, Pontus Grace Holmgren, Preetha Sridhar, Margareta Lindvall Rolfhamre,  Marie-Louise Larsson

Dela detta evenemang


Odengatan 81, 113 22 Stockholm

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