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Kommande events

  • Pathways to Hope: A 4D Conversation with Tomas Björkman
    Pathways to Hope: A 4D Conversation with Tomas Björkman
    tis 18 feb.
    Online or in-person at Klustret Ekskäret
    Welcome to an interactive evening with social entrepreneur Tomas Björkman! Tomas is the author of the book The World We Create where he explores the metacrisis – the problem of all problems and challenges of our time.
  • Deep Time Dinner Discussion
    Deep Time Dinner Discussion
    tors 20 feb.
    Klustret Ekskäret
    What happens if we see ourselves as ancestors to future humans? How can we play around with different temporalities to better understand our place in time and space? Join us for a potluck dinner to discuss deep time perspectives!
  • It´s a Beautiful Wound
    It´s a Beautiful Wound
    mån 10 mars
    Klustret Ekskäret
    Välkommen till en intim och personlig föreställning med den amerikanske skådespelaren och regissören Rich Orloff! Psykedeliska Sällskapet och Nysnö bjuder in till en kväll om själsligt utforskande och kontroversiella vägar till läkning, med utgångspunkt i en mans vindlande berättelse.
  • Brave Stage - cozy open mic event with Kim Gajraj
    Brave Stage - cozy open mic event with Kim Gajraj
    ons 12 mars
    Klustret Ekskäret
    Brave Stage is a mix between a facilitated event and an open mic. We co-create the warmest and most supportive environment to help you feel great about stepping onto the stage to do something you might not normally do on another stage.
  • Nonviolent Communication for a Life-Serving Future
    Nonviolent Communication for a Life-Serving Future
    fre 14 mars
    Klustret Ekskäret
    Do you sense a disconnect between the world as it is and the one you long to help create? Are you ready to explore transformative ways of being, relating, and acting—shifting from separation to connection, from scarcity to abundance?

Odengatan 81, 113 22 Stockholm

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